Tuesday, August 23, 2005


just just got a nice idea...

again relating to humor in product design.
its about metaphors.
understanding and creating metaphors is perhaps one of the most creative prosess of creative thinking... metaphors are abstract associations... here one completely different situation/ object/ animal, is related to another absurd situation.... and somehow very astute conclusions are made.

very often in most languages... ( in this i might be wrong...) metaphors are seemingly funny when one first hears them.. perhaps because of the absurd connection they strive towards... but some crazy truth in them hits very hard... that perhaps could even be called high quality wit...

a lot of design is about finding the right metophors... sometimes for functional reasons, - so that people can make connections even when the object / graphic image is new to them..... a lot of form abstraction too is heavily dependant on metaphors....

And finally coming to humor....( again!) ...This perhaps could be the 'highest' form of humor in product design.... abstact associations, which are metaphorical in nature, which add new meaning and a unique functionality to a product....!!

just the seed of the idea... will need to flesh it out too!!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Its strange how one picks up pace and suddenly loses it... As the deadline approaches, one has to hold on to the tension and work... but then suddenly something strange has happened... the deadline is closer than ever before... but I seem to want to do everything besides work... the closer the its comes the calmer I'm becoming... or is it cause I'm giving up?