Saturday, October 22, 2005

in Srinagar!!

Been a loooong time since i wrote here.

lots has happened, like i finished my project in chennai.... came to delhi to have a good long month of relaxation... in the meanwhile an earthquake stuck Kashmir.... an now here i am in Kashmir trying to help in setting up a relief and rehabilitation coordination centre!!

its been only 3 to 4 days here, but its been terribly interesting. meeting young activists on a daily basis, trying to figure out how to simplify complex survey forms so that it will be possible to fill them at some point!! seeking an office getting set up from scratch.... seeing people taking HUGE resonsibilities.... mobolising people..... quite a task.

And even though i'm a terribly small cog in this whole business, it feels good to be a part of it anyway... wish i could figure out a slightly better way to make use of my own skills for this cause..

perhaps i will get a few ideas in time to come.... hope that won' be too late...!

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