Wednesday, November 15, 2006


yup, and now i'm back into my sweaters and cold hands and cold feet and pink nose... Posted by Picasa


THE DOERS said...

i liked da indian grafic representa10 for winter (snow)
Also u coMmented on R blog.
Thanks for dat.
BUt V wud waNNa kno yr email/contact
so dat V cud discuSS more.
n is this NE shivani dat i
already kno of?

Dispatch Swiftly said...

Want to trade cities then? I'll take the Delhi Winters if you take the Mumbai Local Trains. Anyday!!

Oh and I didn't notice the typographical snowflakes, till you pointed 'em out to me. Neat.

THE DOERS said...

soRRy Shivani

m using yr coMment space to get coNNected 2 u
dats coz theres no contact detail. + i had coMmented earlier aswell.

but u din reply.
i also wante 2 talk abt dat graphic (snow) with indian text
i liked dat n thus was inquiring

so pls mail me bk on: