Sunday, April 15, 2007

and this time it CARS!

Yesterday was a day dedicated to cars!

I had dropped over at a friends place for breakfast... though this time it was breakfast with sketching classes! So while my friend busily sketched car after car explaining the importance of contrast, variation in line pressure, and using perspetive rather than isometry... i was completely distrated by the TV in front of us cause 'Too Fast Too Furious' was playing...and though its not really MY type of movie, my dratted cousin has managed to condition me to like it!... so between looking at a car being sketched, and seeing some mad car chases on TV, we both realized that we were getting late for the 'Seoul Motor Show' !

So now we set off for the one hour long journey to 'Kintex' where the motor show was being held.
Reached Kintex, and after a long walk though the parking area ( which incientally was also like a motor show for me - except without the crowd and model!) ... soon ... we reached inside. It was ONE big hall as opposed to our Indian multiple hall Expo.

Well to be honest, going to a motor show ( for me) is a bit like visiting a zoo. Only that perhaps in a zoo i'm more familair with the creatures on displaywhile in an auto expo, i am a little more at sea! But on the whole, people behave pretty similarly in both these places!! so as we moved from cage to cage ( read 'brand to brand') i was really trying to get a fix on the design identity of the various brands and how they differenciated themselves from each other. I heard a lot about 'wheel arches', super-cars, hydrogen fule cell cars missing 'b' pillars from my friend, and also managed to notice a lot of whacky rear view mirrors and LED experiments with headlights... quite a mind swim!

All in all, it turned out to be a far better experiance than i had expected. Some cars actually caught my attention and amazement,like:

'Altica' Renault-Samsung concept car

the hyundai QarmaQ - a full plastic body concept car in association with GE plastics

and of course... the mini cooper ( one of the few cars with a MALE model!)

Came back home feeling good and tired. So maybe cars arn't that boring after all!

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

dratted cousin here....u have no idea how proud i am of you. if someone else told me you were watching a car chase during an auto expo.....there was this time when i went alone for an auto expo here(with a VIP pass mind you) and i kept walkin outta one hall after seeing the cars....and walking into the same hall from a different entry....and wondering why im finding the expo so dam boring. this happened (literally) 5-6 times....and i got irritated with the fact that 'all the halls had the same dam cars' and i went back home. so im happy with the fact that my dear cousin saw a parking lot with tonnes of cars, a car chase AND an expo in one shot.