Tuesday, October 30, 2007

If weather can effect moods...

then chicago doesn't need drugs... !


Jadedism said...
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Jadedism said...
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Shivani said...

i would like you to not post any more comments on my blog.

your persistance will only drive me to remove the comments application which i do not wish to do.

i expect and want NO reply to this.

i would apreciate your cooperation.

Megha said...


I have two comments:

(1) If you think Chicagos'PMSing come to Toronto, she's like a pregnant woman! Last winter, one day it was -10 and the next +16!

(2) I have a blog too, yay! www.thelifeandtimesofnuttymeg.com

..now scoot..I am reading the rest of your blog.

Megha said...

sorry it's..


silhouette said...


When's your next blog, lady?