Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Being 8

Quickly quickly before i forget this moment.

Its new years, and even though i have all the space i could ask for i am just not able to wrap up last year in my head.
maybe a post could do it for me...

high points?

a water fight

standing on a table and singing the birthday song

standing in Namsang tower watching the roads turn red as the night set in along with its traffic bottlenecks

taking pictures of myself holding wine after finding out that i got into ID, and then realising that i couldn't open it!

riding a bicycle on the coast of Korea

giving the Tata scholarship interview sitting next to an Alsatian dog

my best friend feeding me cake in Barrista after i put mehendi on both hands

seeing a train pass by from so so close

reading Jahajn

spending the night in JFK, surrounded by the happiest people in the world

the moment it was announced that i was about to land in Chicago

cooking an omelet in a pressure cooker on my first day in my own apartment

seeing snow...

dancing salsa in my apartment at 3 in the mornin cause me and roommate couldn't sleep


saying bye to dadaji

sitting in a car outside Big Chill with my Best friend after she didn't get something she should have got

walking on the streets on Christmas day

its been such a long year.
i was discussing years with somebody, and they explained that years seem shorter now because when we are young, a year is a bigger proportion of ones life - an age 8, one year is one eighth of ones life, at 25 one year is one twenty-fifth... so perhaps at 25, three years equate the one year when we were eight...

but this year broke that rule! this year felt like i was eight again.


and here's hoping i can keep being 8 for as long as i can.


silhouette said...

I love reading blogs about time... a topic I'm obsessed with these days!
The last two years seem to have passed me by like a really HUGE, and swift wave; terrifying, wonderful; you're not sure whether to run into it or away from it, and while you're deciding, it gets you anyway, and then its over, and then nothing but the froth and foam is left, and you have nothing to do but wait for the next one.
Sorry, image came to my head, had to get it out!
I don't think I'll ever be able to feel like I'm eight again, which now that I recall, was pretty much the best year of my life!
Ah well...

Kay said...


It's hypothetical as most things we believe in are..specially the seconds, weeks , months, etc etc..

already wrote about it in a friend's blog..will quote it here again..

ever wondered about the way we keep time?the numbers and hours and minutes which have no meaning at all..the moment we define as a second is the duration of 9192631770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the cesium 133 atom.

How Monday could be any other day as well..how a week could be more than seven days..

It is all so hypothetical..the things we count our lives by have been all fixed on some hypothesis of some person somewhere..

To think if had decided 1 year to be two revolutions around the sun, we'd be half our age.

and do we really keep time by those milestones??The times we remember and cherish would be practically non0existent because they do so in our memories, which are not tracked by any time keeping machine!!

Have a great year..

Wonderful Blog!!!

Peggy Mohan said...

I just lent Joy a book, TOKYO CANCELLED, about 13 passengers stranded in a nameless airport overnight, telling each other magic realist stories in a remake of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales.

Jahajin... thanks!

And true, the saddest thing when you're away is being on the streets on Christmas day, when the happy people are all at home. Hold onto all of this. This is where your stories are.

Dispatch Swiftly said...


loved your blog.

felt inspired enough to re-start derring-dos.


Amogh said...

Hey Shivani,
thanx for linking to mightaswell !
got to know it through analytics