Friday, February 24, 2006

hmmmm, and this is the last week before i again jump into a new chapter.

this week was packed, almost like i know i need to sleep all i want, dance all i want, read all i want... cause after this it will be long time of just getting used to a whole new way of being in delhi...

deicided to work where i will be working after sooooo much debate, so much reason, and the funny thing is that i don't even know if it will actually be something i will Remotely enjoy! strange how i managed to make up mind without even once asking whether i will Enjoy this.... all the reasons are so ... well.. academic, and if someone were to point blank ask me, - will you enjoy doing this.... i'd have to say .... No.... but still, it makes so much sense...

perhaps i will do a job i love..... but not now...