Thursday, March 05, 2009


Its time that i took my own idea of "Snails at Heart" seriously.

This has been an exceptionally slow semester so far. A lot of idle time, a lot of sleeping, a lot of 'yak-shaving', movie watching, wiki-surfing. I feel sinful, but I'm hopeful that this will BE the goofing off quota for the year and I'll get a crazy job that know the tricks of keeping me on my toes.

Writing is difficult business. I chose to write a paper this semester and even though a few good ideas have struck me, its all still in note form.  Some people find it hard to write things in a concise manner... i find it hard to elaborate... i keep wondering if I'm entering into the realm of redundancy.  Ideas seem wonderful in my head, but when i write them down, it feels exactly the same as when one wakes up thinking one had an AMAZING dream, and the more you try to remember it, the more you forget it, or worse - CAN remember, but can't figure out how it made me SO happy...

OK, coming back to snails at heart - my original idea with this was to create a space where it was OK to 'slow down'.

and not feel sinful.



Peggy Mohan said...

I often wonder if the more quirky or original an idea is the more it 'doesn't want' to be yak-yakked like a muggle idea.

I have the same 'problem' when I write: the ideas are complete and connected, and don't lend themselves to going on and on...

with feathers said...

you're back yay! you know i dont even remember the last time i formulated an idea.. in dream or otherwise..sometimes i feel free of commitment because i've left the path of theory (for want of a better word) but i cant help feeling i'm robbed of exciting dreams..

yakshaving said...

You said yakshaving!! ::eyes blinky with wonderment::

Maybe you can write original content for me on my blog, with all of that free time that you say you have. :P